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The following is my response to an email exchange between a NYU Business School Professor and a graduate student dubbed “Get Your S*** Together”. For context, the student tried to walk into the professor's Brand Management class 45 minutes late and the professor promptly dismissed him. This was one of three classes the student tried to sit-in during the same time period, leaving in the middle of one class to the next to “sample” the courses before the add/drop period would end. The student then sends an email to the professor about the incident, and well, the professor's response was nothing short of hilarious.




This reading illustrates the importance of proper communication and navigating the standards for appropriate behavior in a given setting. It made me consider how people interpret the same exchange in completely different ways, some siding with the professor wholeheartedly and others questioning if the professor crossed the line. Learning to interpret intentions behind different forms of communication is an essential life skill and will inevitably help me during my observations in assignment one.


Below is my response to the exchange:


"Get Your S*** Together"

The Professor in question.

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