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Literature Review



While I had to turn this in as homework response eight, this submission was actually the literature review written for assignment two. Basically, assignment two was a research paper concerning a topic of inquiry inspired by our assignment one observations (I watched Season Three of BBC's Sherlock). For the paper, I ended up researching the philosophy of fiction as it relates to the character of Sherlock Holmes. And so, the literature review was a cohesive way to introduce and organize what our sources had to say about our topic, and this would become the second section of our overall paper. I had never written a literature review prior to this assignment, so the experience was new. What was difficult was having to define the terms I reference in my paper, and then having summarize everything without sound too long-winded (I'm pretty sure I failed in this regard). I spent a decent part of this process trying to test my understanding of the subject by putting the ideas into my own words. I ended up learning a ton about philosophy as well how to approach writing and organizing a paper with different sections and components into a cohesive whole.


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