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Halfway through the maze



This submission reveals a lot about how I take notes on a topic (and how quickly the information I collect turns into a dense labyrinth). This was the halfway completed copy of my annotated bibliography for assignment two. I only had to have six annotations finished out of the total number of sources required, and so, I took it upon myself to take extensive notes and fully cite the materials I planned to use while I had the chance. You'll notice that I included a bibliography; I initially had trouble figuring out how to correctly cite sources using Chicago Manual Style, so I practiced and used it as a way to impose order during the notetaking stage. Each finished annotation provides an explanation behind what the source discusses, how it is relevant to my paper, and how I had planned to incorporate it. Having this template to follow when writing these up was so beneficial. Without it, I would've gotten bogged down with trying to understand my topic and would've lost sight on the overall purpose of the paper.



Below is my assignment two annotations (for six sources):


Welcome to my Mind

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